Wendy Hyatt - Senior Columnist
Moonlight and the dark forest. In the clearing there was a human sacrifice.
wendyjanehyatt {{@}} gmail.com

Matthew PonY Bones - Senior Columnist
Born in Appalachia and is a poet, country 'n blues musician, and mystical theorist prone to visions. He lives in destinations unknown. Wherever he goes the South goes with him. He also fights for the common good and knows too much about ghosts.
laughner {{@}} hotmail.com

Jenny Moon Tucker - Cartoonist
Birdsong. Crazed with fevers from the plague, they're setting houses on fire and the flames are climbing toward the darkening evening sky. Children have died. God calls them forth and wild with joy they rise from shallow graves.
psychedelicum {{@}} gmail.com

Rick Weaver - Senior Columnist
RICK WEAVER (Loge Video) is the star actor of the action-packed BLACK MEDICINE, of which he won critical acclaim for asking the big questions through his portrayal of the WHITE GHOST. His award-winning acting credits also include sci-fi rough-and-tumble fantasy flicks like BLOOD QUANTUM (the first in the WHITE GHOST franchise), lusty and heart-warming Rom Coms such as CLAM DATE and ELECTRIC HOKUM, and “rumpus room” buddy movies like ZONE G and the SHED OF FOOLS. Although most people don’t know it, RICK WEAVER is a writer on the side for magazines such as the one you are now holding in your hands. His page-turning pot-boilers teach us a lot about ourselves and who we are. His fans can look forward to more “wow” and “flutter” in the upcoming psychological thriller, THE PERFECT MAN (co-starring the BLACK BLIND BEETLE). For local listings, please visit http://thefourhands.wordpress.com

Andrew Barranca - Columnist
Andrew Barranca has never met a bunny he didn't like.
jabarranca {{@}} gmail.com

Mac Callihan - Sports Writer
Hey you didn't write the book on smart thinking, that's my opinion. Prove me wrong, if you've got the guts.

Lauren Hamami - Columnist
i'm a vegetarian

Chad Beattie - Columnist
I write songs and stories. That's all. A portion of me can be found here: https://chadbeattie.bandcamp.com/

Melissa Gericke - Columnist
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
instagram: goldenrosae

Kyle Flanagan - Columnist
Ripping a bong into oblivion.

Ilysian Fields - Columnist
No birds of prey waiting for you to land and seek shelter. Someone walk Upstairs and turn the Light on. The moon appears and sometimes hides behind a cumulus cloud.

Lucien Snow - Columnist
Birfday candle

Ian Bush Columnist
In 1994, Ian Bush was born naked in Portsmouth, Ohio--a very naked city that doesn’t take kindly to nudity. He has done his best to stay naked ever since. He’s done a pretty good job so far.

Tabitha Vidaurri - Film Critic
The undead surround me. Have you ever talked to a corpse? It's boring! I'm lonely!
tabithavidaurri (@) gmail.com

Dan Taylor - Contributor
Dan Taylor, as true Fouriest himself, is fully committed to immanentizing the eschaton in our times. Beyond politics, he likes basketball.

Jamie Morgan - Contributor
"Blame it on Aphrodite and Pelligrino"

Alice Pleasance Liddell - Contributor
Before I was born I could see.

Bryan Lewis Saunders - Found Photographer
At 6 months he prematurely began drawing circles and only weeks later began adding eyes and a mouth.
saunders {{dot}} standuptragedy {{@}} gmail.com

Steve Gigante - Contributor
(a.k.a. 'Dark Inside the Sun') is a northeastern rat/snake/skunk with a particularly pernicious penchant for tailless cats, southern witches, and gratuitous lysergic. He likes to keep shucked corn inside his guitar and once drove from upstate New York to Saint Paul to play a basement show the day after Xmas.

Deli - Contributor
Please excuse me, I have no idea what to say here. God knows...

Robert Hayes Kee - Department of Polite Aesthetic Praxis
People all over the US are going to find out how brainy the Ohio University Bobcats has made me now that my new album Banana Ham is selling like wildfire. Smart enough to talk to myself using two personal communication devices. Me, Robby.

The Hand Report - Contributor
Get the good news from the Hand Hotel courtesy of LOGE MEDIA. Sign says no vacancy, but there's always room for one more fresh squeeze. The gang's all here: Lila Maria, the White Ghost, Shadow Brother, Hard Law, Rich Bank, the Major, Trotter Huff, Fuzz, and all the rest.

Joshua Johnston - Resident Genealogist
Joshua Johnston is a pile of melted cassette tapes. He can be found at jersherwa.tumblr.com.

Ed Wilcox - Travel Writer
Ed Wilcox has played voodoo music with Temple of Bon Matin a long long time. He's sung "Die Die Die" with Mikey Wild, "Stormy Weather" with Arthur Doyle, "Space is the Place" with Marshall Allen and "CIA Man" with Steve Weber. He was born in Cape Canaveral watching rockets fly over the swamp.

Lance Simmons - Contributor
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
comics: morph
music: unguent

Teague Furst - Contributor
Memoir "Ask Questions Later," in stores soon.
blog: http://mymodernpalette.tumblr.com/

Arvo Zylo - Contributor
Arvo Zylo was born upside down. He was ambidextrous and used to write/draw with both hands at the same time until his goddamn teachers told him to choose a hand, and he is still pissed off about it.
misterfvckhead {{@}} gmail.com

"Your Secret Admirer" - Contributor
"America's foremost "diamondz" poet." -Newsweek Magazine, Fall of 19 ought 6

Alex Wright - Contributor
Lamar's been looking for you. Says you're his 'snack' but I'll just bet he's been wrong a time or two in his life. He said stob by and he'll 'provide some specimens'. Said he'd give you the 'baby beard discount'. The man has to make some sales, kitty kat. MEEEOOOOWWWW!

Id M Theft Able - Contributor
imhabo teorormteyne.
i mhfab o tteror oramt eyined.
i' mthftabe oe t te roer sor amot vey inleda.
i'd m thfft able goes to the grocery store almost every single day.
id (@) kraag.org

Elaine Kahn - Contributor
"Where the red net grows: a family friendly flick about a boy saving up for two tennis playing hounds to stage a classic matchup between them and a bloodthirsty jaguar on a clay court"

Morgan Garrett - Contributor
“Hey Blue Boy, Rick's in trouble. Frank is gonna play bass for that band Frankie Ocean that you're in. I've got Rick in the Tent of Tears pouring Baja Blast on his wounds but I need someone to cover the next shift.”

Mr. Midnight - Contributor
Moons and nights alone inside my body, thick dark forests and desperate seas.
celestial_anus {{@}} yahoo.com

Irene Moon - Contributor
Irene Moon cares a lot about very little (things).
6 Brevoort Place, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11216

Josh Black - Contributor
Turn-ons: hospital blankets, swimming
Turn-offs: sushi, clocks

Roris Coctis - Contributor
Yoni Topography. Saturnalia.

Paulina Suarez - Contributor
We all piggys out here
Dickens Charles - Contributor